Friday, April 11, 2008

Let's try a different route.

I wasn't all that pleased with the way Blogger handled my photos, so instead--I'm posting a link to my facebook photo album. Let's see how that works out. (I really like the way facebook handles uploading and editing photos. It's even easy on dialup! (If a little slow--but what isn't?)) Home Furniture Projects


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Latest Furniture Project

This dresser used to belong to my dad. Once I'm done with it, it will go in my son's bedroom. I bet Dad never thought this dresser would make it for three generations! As you can see, the dresser is currently in worse shape than when I started. There are several pieces that have been removed from the frame, and the finish is in ROUGH shape. (Actually, it's really smooth, thanks to my random orbital sander. It just looks rough.) Deconstructing it didn't take long--the real challenge will be putting it back together. I'll try and post more pictures as the project progresses.
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Thursday, August 04, 2005


No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth--I just spend all my time at work. (I'm looking for a new job in what little spare time I have.) This weekend I'm in Gatlinburg for Steve Henderson's wedding. (If you were at my wedding, he was one of the ushers.) Audra and I are a groomswoman and groomsman, respectively. I hope that everyone is having a nice life--please write and let me know!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Up for Grabs!

I still have a few Gmail invites left, if anyone would be interested. Just e-mail me or comment on this entry. It'll be first-come, first-serve.

A Few Cool Things

Everyone has their favorite places to go when surfing the Internet--I just put some of mine in the sidebar to this site. [Note-Some of them will occasionally post inapropriate material. I am in no way responsible for their lack of judgement.] For even more fun, I've got a couple more things to check out sometime.

Morgan Automotive I still like the T-Rex, but these cars are simply the greatest vehicles made today! I've been a Morgan fan since I read an article-about their head engineer-back in 1999.

Basheba Grossman I found her site in September while looking for biology-related gifts for my family members. Check out the DNA molecule at the laser crystals-science link.

A Delicious Library Now, I haven't tried this companies' software out yet, but it seems like a great idea to me! (Now if I only had a Mac.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I Love the Internet!

Some time ago, I began reading Ann Althouse's wonderful blog. Through all the furor during election season, she remained a reasonable and friendly source of information and commentary. When she discussed other things, she demonstrated her excellent sense of humor and sharp mind. She was a guest blogger at Instapundit (the most-read blog out there) for the last nine days leading up to the election. This means she had a readership of a couple hundred thousand people. A day.

What does this have to do with my appreciation for the Internet? Everything.

Without the Internet and the Web, Ann Althouse probably would never have had the opportunity to 'talk' to so many different people. Her intellect and humor would have been exactly the same, but she would lack the means to get her voice out there. The very form of blogs is made possible by the Internet. If there were no Internet, I probably would never have even heard of her, much less read her musings on life.

Secondly, about a month ago, I wrote Ann an e-mail asking her about the Constitution. (She is a law professor. On a different note--I find it extrodinarily difficult to start an e-mail to a person I've never met. Everything I write just seems awkward.) She replied--in an hour--with a reasonable response. How many 'famous' people who have her kind of readership respond--personally--to those trying to contact them? The same medium that introduced me to a question about the Founding Father's plans for this nation allowed me to recieve an expert's opinion of the question--as well as find the expert--with no monetary cost, and very little time cost.

I repeat: I love it!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Re: Whew!

Just to let everyone know, my fabulous wife made a valiant effort to get us caught up with our housework. A couple more days and we can have people over! (Which is exactly the plan.)

Monday, November 08, 2004


I love my family! It might strike you as odd that I start a post about my family (and I mean on both sides) with such a title as this. But, as many of you know, traveling for a couple of weekends really takes away a chunk of time normally spent in working around the house. This is especially important to us right now since Audra has to devote so much of her time to Paige. I try to help after I get off work, but there's still always stuff to do on the weekend. Now that we've been out for two weekends straight, there's all sorts of stuff to do. (I'm leaving right after I finish this post, so don't worry that I'm neglecting Audra to type this.) Hopefully Paige will be well behaved for the next few days so we (mostly Audra, of course) can catch up. Here's to hoping. By the way, I wouldn't have missed these past two weekends for anything. So many people are excited about Paige--we had so much fun sharing her and showing her off! (And we're suddenly in high demand--who'd a-thunk?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Editing note

You might have noticed that the layout of my two blogs has changed somewhat over the last week or so. I've been trying to pickup a little html so I can do this thing right. I'm still not completely satisfied, but it's getting better. Just consider these pages to be a work in progress. (At least I hope it's progress.)


I spent several hours Tuesday night watching the election results come in. Of course, I should have been in bed. BUT, since I was holding a fussy baby, I had a good excuse to stay up. Now that we all know the results, I propose a toast.
To all Americans--at home or abroad--I wish a wonderful life. Whether or not your chosen party won, you got to choose. Democracy still lives on in these great United States. Wish our president well, and criticize him fairly--no matter where you stand on the politcal spectrum. His successes will enhance this nation, and his failures diminish it. Pray always. There is nothing we need more than God's support. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. [I Cor. 13:13]

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Coolest vehicle ever to come from Canada

Actually, the T-Rex just might be the coolest vehicle ever!

First Post, #2

This blog is for all those things NOT directly related to Paige. I decided that I wanted a place where I could blather on without distracting attention from my little girl, so I created a new blog. This means that I might mention news, politics, religion, . . . , or I might not. I don't yet know. In the meantime, enjoy yourself on Election Day!